Part 177: 11/29/09
11/29/09Ryoji called me up again to hang out.

Thats great! Just thinking about seeing you makes me happy. Ill head over immediately.
> Ryoji seems excited
We definitely didnt break into school.

> Together, you climbed over the gates and quietly made your way to the rooftop
So I can neither confirm nor deny that the view from the roof on Sundays is beautiful.

Haha, I see.
Youre an interesting person.
> Ryoji laughs gently

I think Im scared.
Thinking about you it scares me.
The fact that tomorrow will come scares me
But I cant figure out why
Hey, Aelita-chan

Where we went wasnt the only thing I cant ever talk about with anyone, though.

Thank you.
> Ryoji gives you a warm smile

Because youre important to me thats probably why Im scared.
Youre the only one there is for me.
The only one I want
So please, stay with me.
> Is Ryoji confessing his love for you ?
> You feel that you need to respond carefully to this

Yeah Thanks.
Youre the most precious thing in the world to me More precious than my own life.
> Ryoji laughs happily.
> You sense that you have a bond with Ryoji
I I probably shouldnt have told him that. Just because it was true doesnt mean it can bring us anything good.

Why does it hurt when I see things that are so beautiful ?
Its so strange
> You spent some time with Ryoji, then returned to the dorm before the two of you were caught up there
I mean I know that its wrong for me to be like this, but my heart just doesnt seem to listen to my head.

No Shadows have appeared yet, but Im still worried.
It just slices itself apart and hands itself out no matter how empty inside that leaves me feeling.

Still, maybe this time Ive finally found someone who cares about me more than anything.

He said that, and I want to believe it so.

Narrator: Episode 41: The Secret Base E*X*P*L*O*D*E*S! Take it back, Featherman R!
Newscaster: And now, the news.
Tension is still high over the Apathy Syndrome, since the causes are still undetermined
So why do I feel like something is terribly wrong?

I didnt want to think about it, so we went to Tartarus.

After all, there were people who needed our help.

And with the full moon so near, we didnt have a lot of time to save them.

Where wed normally expect to get blocked, Tartarus just went on and on. And so we pushed on ourselves.

Its still far away, but please be careful.
Oh, and Fuuka has learned some kind of way to pull us out of Tartarus no matter where we are, its really nice.

I can now bring you back to the entrance instantly!
However, I can only use this ability inside Tartarus.
Anyway there seem to be no end to these Guardians.
Video- Royal Dancers

Which just means well have to keep cutting them down whenever we see them.

Boss Battle: Royal Dancer x 3
These guys are jerks who use a bunch of bad status stuff and physical attacks. If youre playing for serious you really should probably be using a persona with Null Charm or the accessory from Narcissus that negates Charm. Theyre not really that threatening if you can deal with the status effects, and honestly Id suggest not curing Poison when they use it because it at least keeps you from being Charmed.
Its the only option we have.

Everything does feel so much more clear when were fighting for our lives.
Video- Reckoning Dice

It makes you realize that the silly things youve been worrying about are, in the end, not that important.

Boss Battle: Reckoning Dice
This thing mostly uses Almighty damage attacks and Tetrakarn. Keep yourself healed and buffed while killing the hell out of him and dealing with Tetrakarn safely each time and youll be fine. Much easier than the Royal Dancers were.
We reached another dead end, eventually.

I wonder why
As for the document Elizabeth had asked for, it certainly did answer one question for us.

Elizabeth says its the last of the documents, which I guess might mean were near the top of the tower.

I wanted you to learn the truth from the eight documents youve collected
However, you are already moving towards another truth.
Although memories may remind you of the past, always walk toward the future
I must admit Im a bit envious, since I have neither.
Please accept your reward.
> Obtained 650000 yen.
No past and no future Silly, she should just put in a request if she doesnt feel like shes got those. It seems sometimes like Ive got way too much of the former and the latter isnt worth it without people to share it with, so Id be happy to share.